How a Goldman Sachs trader received a dildo in the mail at work.

It was a typical Monday morning at Goldman Sachs, and the traders were settling into their desks for another week of high-stress work. Suddenly, a commotion broke out at the far end of the trading floor.

One of the traders had received a mysterious package in the mail. Curious, he tore open the box to find a shiny, metallic dildo inside. The other traders gathered around, snickering and making jokes as they passed the dildo around.

The package had been sent anonymously, and no one knew who was responsible for the prank. Some speculated that it was a disgruntled former employee, while others thought it might be a rival firm trying to get under their skin.

Regardless of who was behind it, the traders couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. They had always been used to dealing with high-stakes financial transactions, but this was a new one.

In the end, the dildo became a source of amusement and camaraderie among the traders, a welcome distraction from the usual cutthroat atmosphere of the trading floor. And though they never did find out who sent it, the anonymous gift became a memorable part of Goldman Sachs folklore.