The story of how a JP Morgan Executive kept receiving dildos at work

It was a typical Wednesday morning at JP Morgan when the executive received the first package in the mail. She was a high-powered executive, used to dealing with important financial transactions and making tough decisions, so she was surprised to find a shiny, metallic dildo inside the box.

The executive was confused and a little embarrassed, but she didn't think much of it at the time. However, as the weeks turned into months, and the months turned into years, the executive received more and more packages containing dildos of all shapes, sizes, and colors.

She tried to ignore the packages at first, thinking it was just a silly prank. But as the packages kept coming, week after week, month after month, the executive started to get frustrated. She had no idea who was behind the prank, and it seemed like no one else at the firm had any idea either.

Finally, after two long years of receiving dildos in the mail, the executive had had enough. She went to her boss and explained the situation, hoping for some guidance. To her surprise, her boss burst out laughing.

"Oh, those dildos!" he exclaimed. "We've been trying to figure out who's been sending them for years! It's just some silly office prank. I'm sorry you had to deal with it for so long."

The executive couldn't believe it. Two years of receiving dildos in the mail, and it was all just a prank? She was relieved, but also a little embarrassed that she had let it get to her. From then on, she made sure to laugh off the packages when they arrived, and eventually, the dildos stopped coming altogether. The end