Prank Mail At The Hospital

A anonymous review…

As a nurse at the busy city hospital, I was used to long shifts and high stress levels. But one day, a little bit of unexpected joy arrived in the form of a package from

I had heard about the website that specialized in sending out hilarious pranks by mail, but I never expected to be on the receiving end. So when I saw the brown paper package sitting on my desk, I was intrigued.

As I tore open the packaging, I was greeted by a bright pink dildo. At first, I was a bit taken aback. But as I examined the dildo more closely, I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all.

Attached to the dildo was a note that read, "From your secret admirer at"

I couldn't believe that someone had gone to the trouble of sending me a prank by mail, and I couldn't wait to share it with my colleagues. As I made my rounds on the hospital floor, I couldn't help but chuckle as I told the story of my unexpected delivery.

To my surprise, I wasn't the only one who had received a prank by mail from It seemed that the entire hospital was abuzz with laughter and excitement over the silly items that had been showing up in our mailboxes.

From that day on, the hospital felt like a different place. The long shifts and high stress levels were still there, but now there was a sense of joy and camaraderie that had been missing before.

Every day, I looked forward to checking my mailbox and seeing what new prank by mail had sent our way. Whether it was a novelty mug with a crude joke printed on it or a pair of boxer briefs with a ridiculous pattern, every item brought a smile to my face and made my workday that much more bearable.

And the best part was that the pranks by mail brought us all together. We were all in on the joke together, bonding over the ridiculous items that were showing up in our mailboxes.

In the end, receiving the "dildo of the month" from was one of the most memorable experiences I've had at the hospital. It brought joy and laughter to an otherwise stressful environment and helped to create a positive and uplifting work culture.

So if you're working in a high-stress environment and could use a little bit of joy in your life, I highly recommend giving a try. You never know what hilarious surprise might show up in your mailbox.