A Morgan Stanley executive complaining on the news how he kept receiving dildos in the mail

It was a typical Monday morning when the executive at Morgan Stanley received the first package in the mail. As the head of the investment banking division, he was used to dealing with all sorts of important financial transactions, but he was completely taken aback when he opened the box and found a shiny, metallic dildo inside.

At first, the executive assumed it was just a weird prank and tried to brush it off. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, he continued to receive more and more packages containing dildos of all shapes, sizes, and colors.

The executive was starting to get frustrated. He had no idea who was behind the prank, and it seemed like no one else at the firm had any idea either. He tried to ignore the packages, but they kept coming, week after week, month after month.

One day, the executive decided he'd had enough. He went to his boss and explained the situation, hoping for some guidance. To his surprise, his boss burst out laughing.

"Oh, those dildos!" he exclaimed. "We've been trying to figure out who's been sending them for years! It's just some silly office prank. I'm sorry you had to deal with it for so long."

The executive was relieved to finally get an explanation, but also a little embarrassed that he had let the dildos get to him. He decided to take matters into his own hands and set up a trap to catch the prankster.

He ordered a special delivery of dildos and had them shipped to his office with a hidden camera nearby. When the package arrived, he watched as one of his coworkers snuck into his office and placed the dildos on his desk.

The executive was furious. He confronted his coworker and demanded an explanation. The coworker sheepishly admitted that he had been behind the prank mail all along.

"I just thought it would be funny," he said. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

The executive was furious, but he decided to let the matter drop. He didn't want to cause any more drama, and he was just happy to have the whole ordeal behind him.

However, the story of the anonymous dildo prank mail didn't end there. A journalist from the local newspaper had gotten wind of the story and decided to run a feature on it. The executive was hesitant to go public with the embarrassing tale, but he eventually agreed to an interview.

The article was a hit, and soon the story of the Morgan Stanley executive who kept receiving anonymous dildo prank mail was making headlines all over the country. The executive was mortified, but he couldn't deny that there was a certain amount of satisfaction in finally putting the whole ordeal behind him.

From then on, the executive made sure to laugh off any mail pranks that came his way. He knew that in the high-stress world of investment banking, a little bit of humor could go a long way. And he was grateful to have learned his lesson about the dangers of anonymous mail.