How one Goldman Sach's executive was caught collecting rare dildos...

It was a typical Monday morning when the executive at Goldman Sachs received the first package in the mail. As the head of the trading division, he was used to dealing with all sorts of high-stakes financial transactions, but he was completely taken aback when he opened the box and found a shiny, metallic dildo inside.

At first, the executive was a little embarrassed and confused. He had no idea who could have sent such a thing, or why. But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, the executive found himself receiving more and more packages containing dildos of all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Initially, the executive was a little frustrated by the anonymous mail. He had no idea who was behind the prank, and it seemed like no one else at the firm had any idea either. But as the packages kept coming, week after week, month after month, the executive started to see the funny side.

He began to look forward to receiving the anonymous mail, wondering what creative new dildos he would find in his mailbox each week. He even started a collection, proudly displaying the dildos on a shelf in his office.

The executive's coworkers couldn't help but notice his collection, and soon the whole firm was in on the joke. People would stop by his office just to get a glimpse of the latest additions to his collection.

As word of the executive's dildo collection spread, the anonymous mail became a source of amusement and camaraderie among the traders at Goldman Sachs. It was a welcome distraction from the usual cutthroat atmosphere of the trading floor.

And though they never did find out who was responsible for the anonymous mail, the executives and their coworkers couldn't help but be grateful for the hilarious benefit of receiving a dildo in the mail as a prank. It had brought a little bit of levity and joy to their otherwise stressful workdays.

From then on, the executive made sure to embrace any anonymous mail that came his way, no matter how bizarre or unexpected it might be. He knew that in the high-stress world of investment banking, a little bit of humor could go a long way. And he was grateful for the anonymous mail, which had brought a little bit of joy and laughter into his life.